Blog Post

Online Counselling – Coping with Covid-19

30th November 2020

Livewell Counselling Services has adapted to these new current times to reach out to the people who need to access our service from the comfort of their home from any part of the UK. You need to be 18 years old to access this online counselling service.

Covid-19 has brought isolation for many people and has increased people’s anxieties. Therefore, we now offer an online counselling service using Zoom as our main platform. You don’t need to download it to access this service. Zoom is an end-to-end encrypted platform that increases online security. It enables us to see each other face to face in real-time during sessions. In order to use Zoom, you will need to have access to a laptop with a camera. To use this service, you need to have a safe secure environment without any distractions. When accessing online counselling, it is key to recognise that you may still need emotional support from your friends or family.

Not everyone will be able to access this service due to suitably, but this can be discussed in more detail and we would endeavour to support you looking for other options.

This online service is not an emergency service, so if you found yourself in a major crisis, you would need to get immediate help by contacting your GP or your nearest accident and emergency service (A & E). You may also call the Samaritans on 116123 or by emailing (emergency support).

Please remember working online is not guaranteed to be one hundred percent secure. See Zoom’s privacy policy here: